faxing News

How Internet Faxing Can Help Your Business

The continuous ascension of technology has proved that anything can be rebooted and digitalized to suit the new world’s demand. Mario, Pokémon and several other such digitalizations are the best proof of the same. Faxing has also taken to digitalization and sending fax online has never been so much easy. Fax machines after being rendered… Continue reading How Internet Faxing Can Help Your Business

faxing News

Fax Machines Have Survived Digitalization: Yes! Corporates Still Use Them

The world is growing in terms of technology and many redundant technical devices have been shown the door by businesses who are adopting the new age of technology. But amongst all this chaos the fax machine has kept its crown intact as an office device. Quick Facts Close to eighteen billion faxes get exchanged all… Continue reading Fax Machines Have Survived Digitalization: Yes! Corporates Still Use Them