
Way To Secure Your Personal & Health Information: Online Fax Services

Way To Secure Your Personal & Health Information_ Online Fax Services
Due to the brisk movement in the online world, we are constantly exposed to the risk of online security hack. Most of us deal with such exposed threat without even realizing it. Think again when you are sending your medical or health information to your healthcare provider or sending social security details to a real estate company. More often than not, even law firms are not excluded from such a security threat. In short, wherever there is a trade of confidential or sensitive information, there stands a chance of online security threat. In such a scenario, it is very important to rely on a system that transfers or transmits your personal data in a secure manner. Emails have of course been in use since a while ago however, those are not considered as an optimum solution. On the contrary, neither did the conventional fax machine did any favour as it posed many limitations and proved to be a costly option. Sending and receiving documents via fax machines was, of course, welcomed, however, fixed phone line cost and its busy signals, ink-toner, paper cost, maintenance and non-environmental friendly issues all contributed towards a need for change in the document delivery process. Simultaneously with technology advancing in every front, the faxing industry also gained momentum with online fax services. This system allowed to
send and receive faxes online anytime, anywhere. You can receive fax online on your smartphone, desktop, laptop or any other smart devices just as you would receive a normal email with an attachment.

We bring you the most advanced and effortless online faxing platform, i.e, iFaxWorld’s first mobile fax machine. iFax is utmost secured fax platform that encrypts all your fax data with 128-bit TLS encryption system to protect your confidential data. Moreover, iFax follows the best in industry guidelines and compliance laid down by HIPAA and GLBA authority. The amazing features of iFax such as picking up from an in-built professional cover page template design, adding company logo, digital signature, annotate PDFs, fax image editing and much more makes the faxing experience seamless. iFax is available on all major OS and also you can receive fax updates and notifications on your wearable devices. It also comes with 7 days of the free trial period and a fax number of your choice.

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